Augusta Campagne
Welcome to my website. I am a harpsichordist and musicologist based in Vienna, Austria. My main interests are keyboard music and performance practice, mainly from the sixteenth and early seventeenth century in Italy. This has resulted in projects on intavolatura notation and on keyboard accompaniment around 1600 including early basso continuo, as well as the printing processes of such parts. I am also experimenting with hand positions and different early fingering methods on the keyboard and their musical consequences.
You will find information both on my musicological and on my practice-based research on the projects page. The goodies page contains downloadable transcriptions of keyboard intabulations with their models in score. There are also some keyboard (short) scores meant for accompanying with their upper parts in score. On the about me page you can find more information on myself as well as some photographs.

photographs © Ivan Kitanovic

2024 Augusta Campagne, Markus Grassl (eds) ›Universum rei harmonicae concentum absolvunt.‹ The Harpsichord in the Sixteenth Century Wien: mdw Press
Review of Augusta Campagne and Elam Rotem "Keyboard Accompaniment in Italy around 1600: Intabulations, scores and Basso Continuo"